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Get a quantum leap in your career using these seven steps


It is quite common for people to be scared when they want to go in for a career shift, while at the same time ensuring that they are not stuck with any one particular field or industry. The good news is that things aren’t that that scary; it is not that difficult. All you have to do is, take these 7 small steps to make a quantum leap in your career. Decide where you would like to be First and foremost decide where you would like to end up. Make yourself accountable by setting a goal; this is something that will give you something to work towards. There is research that proves you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down. The reason for this is that  writing down your goals acts like a physical reminder of the goals that you’re working towards. Getting down to actually writing down  your goals physically forces both sides of your brain to work together, thus stimulating a more powerful response and a greater ambition to meet those goals. Figure out what kind of a job you would now like to apply for It might be assumed that the first step to boosting your career is having a great resume, but that’s easier said than done. In order to create a great resume that will be of use, you need to first decide what you want to gain from it. A good resume is the one that is created keeping in mind the jobs that you’re applying for. In case you are not aware of the kind of jobs you’re going to be applying for, there is no way that you will use the correct words  and phrases in your resume to align with the requirements of the job. Do some research on how to get to your destination You’ve given yourself a better idea of where you want to end up and what kind of jobs you want to apply to, so now it’s time to take the next step which involves finding out how to reach your goal and what is the right path. Making new connections, coordinating meetings and being part of informational interviews are good ways of gaining insights into the industry that you have honed on to. Seek inspiration from people who are in a role that you’re interested in. Ask them pointed questions about their career path and also if they would have done anything differently, if they were to go back in time. Keep the industry requirements in mind Now that it is clear what roles you need to explore for your big career switch, have a good look at relevant job descriptions and make a note of the common requirements.A 2015 study conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business, revealed that 48% of small businesses report that there are few or no qualified applicants for the positions they are trying to fill. This is, in all probability, quite accurate,  however, there is always the possibility that the candidates are just not marketing themselves correctly or projecting themselves accurately on their resume. Thereafter, do a little bit of research to find out what exactly businesses are looking for in a candidate. Get into the specifics, paying special attention to the current trends of experience or skills required in the industry of your choice. Do ponder over the following important questions:-Are there any specific skills, software, or knowledge that is required?
  • Is there any software that is emerging in your industry?
  • How useful would certifications be? Would any specialized training help you while taking that quantum career leap?
  • No amount of research you do on knowledge, trends, skills, and training, would be adequate, since you would like to get a better understanding of what your potential employers and recruiters are looking for in you in this new field. This will assist you to mould yourself into the ideal candidate.
Add value to your resume While this step might appear like a lot of hard work and is scary, it is actually a lot of fun! This is how you can get to explore your new field and also grab different opportunities that will make you happy. Make an attempt to take on projects more directly related to the industry or career that you are wanting to get into. Take action Get going! You can do this by asking yourself a few questions:-
  • Currently are there any projects that you can request to be a part of?
  • However small the role, the exposure to a different sector of your company or role would result in more related experience which can be integrated into your resume.
  • Can you take on a side project relating to the career that you want to shift into?
  • This could imply starting a blog, being a contributor to another blog or media outlet, or just starting your own side activity!
  • Are there any courses, tutorials, or classes that you can take?
  • Are there any relevant industry events that you can attend?
A quick Google search can inform you about all sorts of networking and informational events in your area. Attend them and add these to your resume to highlight industry knowledge. Make your resume relevant to the job(s) you’re applying to Utilize your current job to observe industry professionals, the way they talk about jobs, the use of industry jargon and utilize that in your resume.  This will aid in making you appear more professional and knowledgeable about what you do. Scrutinize the job description that you’re applying to, for keywords and phrases that are used repeatedly. Those are what you need to integrate into your resume in order to align it with the post that you’re interested in. So, taking the plunge into that quantum career leap may appear intimidating, but it is possible! All over the world, people frequently change careers. All that you need to do to be successful is highlight your industry knowledge, achievements, and what you can contribute to a new company/industry. Spend some time to work out your plan, do a little bit of research, and add relevant experience to your resume!

Manu Jeevan

Manu Jeevan is a self-taught data scientist and loves to explain data science concepts in simple terms. You can connect with him on LinkedIn, or email him at manu@bigdataexaminer.com.
Manu Jeevan
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